Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Timed Addition Quizzes

As you may know, it is imperative that your child memorize their addition facts to 20. It will make the study of mathematics so much easier for them if they no longer have to count on their fingers or use cubes to find sums. Memorizing facts opens space in their brain for the more sophisticated math problems they will encounter.
Please take the time at home to help your child study these facts for 10 minutes each night. I encourage the children to study them by repeating them out loud at least 3 times while looking at the numbers in the sentence. Saying them, hearing them and seeing them repeatedly should help them stick in their brain. Some children benefit from singing them or “writing” them on a cookie sheet filled with salt or shaving cream.
Often children think they are studying when a family member is quizzing them. Please remind them, they need to study BEFORE they can be quizzed. Find what works best for your child. Study throughout the day - in the car, waiting at the bus stop - whenever you have a few minutes.
Room 221 will take addition quizzes each Tuesday and Friday. As children pass their quizzes within the allotted time, they can move on to the next quiz. (The numbers gradually get higher.) For those children who do not pass, they will take the same quiz again the next time. For those who do, they will be studying +1,+2,+3 for the next quiz. (I will give them the new flashcards.)

Although I want children to work hard studying their facts, I do not want this to become very stressful. Please stay positive with your children and encourage them to do their very best. The first quiz is on Friday. Your child brought home flashcards today to study with. Please ask your child to cut them out.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to seeing your child memorize their addition facts! Thanks for your support.

Best regards,

Melanie :o)

P.S. For some children, this week’s +2 flashcards will be relatively easy. Please encourage your child to study anyway. I want them to develop the habits and routines for when the quizzes get harder.

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