Thursday, October 27, 2011

Spelling Test Tomorrow

Hopefully your child has made you aware that we have our first spelling test tomorrow. Our super spellers have assured me all week that they have been studying. Today, we learned some fun strategies for studying.

Khameran taught "Rainbow Words." All you need is some paper and several crayons. Write a spelling word in one color. Write the same spelling word in a different color on top of the first one. Repeat in many different colors.

Austin taught us to use our white boards. Write the spelling word at least 3 times before erasing, to study a new word.

Jesse introduced us to "Look, Say, Spell." First, you look at the written word. Second, you say the word. Next, you spell the word. Finally, you cover the word and try writing it on your own. After that, you check the spelling.

Alex and Satsita taught us about "Pyramid Words." You write the first letter of the word. Directly below that letter you write the first two letters of the same word. Directly below that, you write the first three letters of the same word. Repeat the process until you have spelled the entire word. For example:

I hope these strategies help make study times a little more fun! Thanks to all who helped teach these important new strategies.

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