Thursday, January 10, 2008

Timed Math Quizzes

Oh, the dreaded quizzes! I'm sorry if I make life miserable at home, but these quizzes (although unpopular :o)are quite necessary. It is essential that children know their addition facts fluently as we move on to more sophisticated math.

Today the children were particularly frustrated because only four of them passed. I had a conversation with the children this afternoon. They absolutely need to be studying 5-10 minutes/day, nearly every day. Most children admitted, that's not what they are doing.

I want to make sure parents are aware of this issue. But I'm also writing as a cheerleader. You're kids can do it! They can memorize those facts. (We all did. :O) Please work with them. It can be in the car, at the bus stop, waiting in line at the grocery store.

Kids think that they are studying when someone is quizzing them. Remember, they need to spend time memorizing before they can be quizzed. See my post here from September for new studying strategies.

Don't hesitate to write or call if you need help! :O)

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