Thursday, September 27, 2007

Timed Addition Quizzes

Today was the big day. We had our first timed addition quiz. In order to pass, children had to get 48/50 correct in two minutes. Although this may sound like a lot, it is imperative that children know their addition facts quickly and automatically.

Children will have the corrected quizzes in their folder this afternoon. Some children passed, but many children did not. I encouraged the children not to feel bad. They are still wonderful mathematicians if they didn't get them all right. I told them I know they're still smart, even if they didn't pass. If they didn't pass, it just tells me they need to study more, or study differently. Please discuss this with your child tonight. Decide if how they're studying, or how much has been effective.

New strategies to try:
*tracing number facts in salt, shaving cream or pudding (on a cookie sheet)
*write number facts in the bathtub with suds or tub crayons
*listen to addition rap (You can find in most music stores.)
*make up your own tune to memorize

Those children who did not pass will take the same quiz again next Thursday. For those who did, they will be studying Doubles +1 for Thursdays quiz. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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