Friday, November 12, 2010

Potatoe Hill Poetry

Wow! I know I am not alone when I say that I have been inspired by Andrew Green, guest poet from Potato Hill Poetry. He spent 80 minutes this morning sharing his writing, his thinking and techniques. Finally, he gave the children time to begin their own poems. He helped pull lines from each individual poem to create this collaborate poem.

Beautiful Miscellaneous

The church bell ringing
A tiny nightlight
Ice cream dripping all over you
What is beautiful?

Different colors of hair
Holiday laughing and singing
Playing with friends
What is beautiful?

A notebook
Sunlight in the morning
The National Anthem
What is beautiful?

A sweater or a shirt
Catching the ball
Flowers standing in gardens
What is beautiful?

A blue universe
Puffed up clouds
The cooing sound of a dove
What is beautiful?

A clock ticking
Pizza at a new store
A warm summer day
What is beautiful?

Slippery, shiny, squirmy snakes
A football flying in the air

by Room 221

Thank you to the PTC for bringing us this amazing kick-off to our poetry unit. We can't wait to invite you to our Poetry Reading! (Date TBD) We promise you won't be disappointed!

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