Sunday, November 14, 2010

Challenge Math Problem

I hope this problem offers your family an opportunity to work together to solve a fun and challenging math problem. It's important to emphasize that this challenge is not necessarily designed for your child to solve on their own, this is something to work on together!

*Please note, this is not a mandatory activity, but something your family may choose to participate in.

Challenge #1

On Thanksgiving Thursday Carissa ate some cranberries. The next day she couldn't stop thinking about how good the cranberries were and ate seven more cranberries than she had eaten on Thursday. Each day after that she ate seven more cranberries than the day before. By the following Wednesday night she had eaten a total of 161 cranberries for the whole week.

How many cranberries did Carissa eat on Thanksgiving Thursday?

Extra: Since Carissa would probably get sick eating so many cranberries, let's pretend. If she were to continue this pattern, each day eating seven more cranberries than the day before, on which day would she eat 499 cranberries for her daily total?

Have fun! :o)

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