Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Place Value with Larger Numbers

Today we started reviewing an important concept our third graders know well - place value. However, we applied it to much larger numbers! You may remember that place value means that the place a digit has in a number affects its value. For example, 7 has a different value in 27 than it does in 72. In 27 the 7 is worth 7. However, in 72, the 7 is worth 70. This is a very important concept for children to understand as we move into more sophisticated math concepts.

Today we took it a step forward with numbers in the ten thousands and hundred thousands. For example, in the number 392,854 the 9 has a value of 90,000. The 3 has a value of 300,000. Write some numbers in the hundred thousands for your child to read. I was very impressed with how well they read  big numbers!

This morning we also practiced writing numbers in expanded form. Expanded form shows the value of each digit. For example, the expanded form of 273 = 200 + 70 + 3. The expanded form of 791 = 700 + 90 + 1. The expanded form of 392,854 is 300,000 + 90,000 + 2,000 + 800 + 50 + 4. 

It's essential that third graders be able to write a number in expanded form because it shows that they understand the value of each digit in the number. 

Ask your third grader to tell you the trick to remembering where the commas go. Ask them to tell you the other trick we learned about how to easily read these large numbers! 

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