Monday, April 11, 2011


I have been reflecting about homework. In my mind, there are two purposes for third grade homework.

The first is to help children develop responsibility. I feel that it's good for them to practice completing assignments and returning them independently.

The second is for children to practice some of the skills/concepts we have learned in class. There are not enough hours in the school day to practice all that children need to learn.

Keeping these two ideas in mind, I am slightly revising the way I assign homework. Children will continue to have homework Monday - Thursday nights. They will continue to have weekly math due on Fridays. They will be expected to read and study each night. However, the written homework will be shorter.

I have fallen into the habit of assigning two-sided worksheets nearly every night. I don't believe this is necessary, or a good use of your child's time. I would prefer they use the time spent completing the second half of the worksheet reading, writing, playing, spending time with family, investigating a topic they find interesting or letting their imagination roam free. (I pointed out to the kids that I purposely did not include watching television or playing video games to this list... :o)

The weekly homework will be:
Monday night: Weekend adventure/paragraph - due Wednesday (This will give them extra time to do their very best work and EDIT carefully!)

Wednesday night: Math worksheet (I will usually send home a worksheet with two sides. However, children can choose which side to complete. They do not need to complete both sides.)

Thursday night: Miscellaneous - spelling/social studies/science (Again, I will often send home a worksheet with 2 sides. Children can choose which side to complete. They do not need to complete both sides.)

Weekly Math: Due Friday

Timed Quizzes: Mondays and Thursdays

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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