Monday, February 7, 2011

Print Making

In art we made prints. First, we sketched vases on miniature pieces of paper. Next, we taped them on thin pieces of styrofoam. With a dull pencil we boldly traced over the lines. It dented into the styrofoam and made the design that was on the paper. After that, we colored the flat part of the styrofoam with scented or regular markers. We were careful not to color in the lines. Then, Mrs. Morgan wet a piece of paper with a sponge. We carefully put the styrofoam on the paper and rubbed it so that the ink would print onto the paper without smearing. When we lifted the paper there was a print of our vase. Mrs. Morgan said we could make a design around it next week.

by, Room 221

P.S. This article was written as a shared writing. Shared writing is when a group of children (in this case the entire class) shares the pen. They work together to decide what words to use and how to make the writing as clear as possible. We hope to write one article together each Friday as we prepare for our Reflection Letters.

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