Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekend Adventure

If your child has worked on their weekend adventure already, you may have noticed 2 new FCAs. I wanted you to have a better understanding of my expectations.

2. Hook/topic sentence - The children have been learning that the beginning of their writing should "hook" the reader so that they want to read more. However, their paragraph should also include a topic sentence towards the beginning of their paragraphs. (A topic sentence needs to be within the first few sentences, but doesn't necessarily have to be first.)

For example, if I'm writing a paragraph about jumping in the leaves, my topic sentence might be: 'I was having fun with my girls jumping in the leaves.' However, the first sentence of my paragraph could be a hook like, 'The leaves flew in the air and floated down all over my body.' The hook makes the reader want to read more. The topic sentence makes it clear to the reader what the paragraph is about.

In the actual paragraph it would read, 'The leaves flew in the air and floated down all over my body. I was having fun with my girls jumping in the leaves.'

3. PN (Proper Nouns) - The children have learned that the first letter of every proper noun should be capitalized. Therefore I will be looking for capital letters at the beginnings of names, months, days, streets, etc...

I hope this clarifies things for you. I don't expect you to correct your third grader's paragraph, or help them make it "perfect." However, I thought knowing the FCAs might assist you in supporting your child if he/she needs it.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any comments or concerns.

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