Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Timed Addition Quizzes

Hopefully your child came home yesterday with addition flashcards. Next Monday, November 3 we will have our first timed addition quiz. The children should study their flashcards for 5-10 minutes each night. The goal is to know their facts very quickly, even automatically. There are a number of ways children can study:

*look at the card, say the addition fact then say the sum - out loud. Do this 3 times for each card.
*trace number facts in salt, shaving cream or pudding (on a cookie sheet)
*write number facts in the bathtub with suds or tub crayons
*listen to addition rap (You can find in most music or educational stores.)
*make up your own tune to memorize

Often children think they are studying when a family member is quizzing them. Please remind them, they need to study BEFORE they can be quizzed.

As children pass their quizzes within the allotted time, they can move on to the next quiz. (The numbers gradually get higher.) For those children who do not pass, they will take the same quiz again the next Monday. For those who do, they will be studying +1,+2,+3 for the next quiz. (I will give them the new flashcards.)

Although I want children to work hard studying their facts, I do not want this to become very stressful. Please stay positive with your children and encourage them to do their very best.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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