Monday, September 26, 2011

Reading Logs

As you may know, third graders are responsible for reading at least 20 minutes each night. This homework is essential because readers learn to read by reading.

In addition to this reading time, third graders in Room 221 are asked to record what they are reading on a reading log. Unlike other logs you may be familiar with, children do not need to record specifically what they read each night. They only need to record when they begin or complete a new book.

For example, if I began reading a new book Friday evening, I would write:

Good Work, Amelia Bedelia
by Peggy Parish

Perhaps I don't finish reading the book until Saturday. On Saturday, I would NOT begin a new entry. I would add to the first entry, including the genre, the date the book was completed and whether the book was easy, just right or challenging. The final entry should look like this:

Good Work, Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish

F (for fiction) 9/24/11 JR (just right)

A title should only be listed on the reading log once, unless a child has read it more than once.

As you may know, I will collect all reading logs each Friday (even if they're not filled up). I will return them the following Monday. Room 221 readers should continue recording their reading on the same log until it is filled up. At which time they can get a new one in class.

Thanks for your cooperation. As always, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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