Sunday, March 20, 2011

Answer: Challenge #7 Sports

*This sport is most popular in Spain, Japan and India; it is relatively new to the United States.
*It is also a schoolyard game that vividly distinguishes the limber from the sluggish; school districts in New York, Virginia, Utah and Texas have recently banned it because it is too brutal.
*Kicking the ball is off-limits; any attempt that strikes a player above the shoulders is illegal, and the thrower is called out.
*Known also as "killer ball" or "bombardment," a player is called out when struck by a ball before it touches the ground, or if a thrower's attempt is caught by a player of the opposing team before it hits the ground.
*The winner of the game is the team that has the most players left when the final whistle blows; in case of a tie, a three-minute overtime is called.

Answer: Dodgeball

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