Monday, April 12, 2010

Schoolhouse Today!

We had a great time traveling back to 1850.

Here are some things the time travelers noticed:

*a wood stove
*the desks were longer and shared with other people
*each desk included the bench for the row in front
*kids in 1850 had lunch and recess time
*the schoolhouse was smaller than our regular classroom
*we didn't use pencils
*the teacher was a lot stricter
*a lot of different ages were in one classroom
*the boys sat on one side of the room. The girls sat on the other
*the ink pens were difficult to use
*a large bell made by Paul Revere was on the ground in front of the school house.

Here are some things the time travelers wondered:

*were the McGuffey readers the actual books students in 1850 used?
*Why did kids only have 1 book to read?
*Why were people so formal and proper?
*Did schools in 1850 have more than 19 students?
*How long has the old wagon been sitting in front of the schoolhouse?
*Where did kids get balls to play with?
*Did older boys in Needham actually play the "smoke prank?"
*Who was in the photographs in the schoolhouse?
*Why did the teacher keep an apple on her desk?

Ask your child about his/her experience today! Be sure to ask for details! :o)

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