Thursday, March 26, 2009

Potato Hill Poetry

Thanks so much to the PTC for bringing third grade Potato Hill Poetry! Mr. Andrew Green was a pleasure to work with in our classroom. He shared many of his wonderful poems with us. As he shared, he talked about many important techniques and strategies writers can use to create powerful poetry.

*Think about how words sound together
*Use alliteration
*Share what's in your heart
*Write a "puzzle poem" filled with clues about an ordinary object
*Write about a small pleasure
*Get inspired by something
*Write a poem as a note to someone
*Include the 5 senses
*Write about small moments
*Give the reader the news - the 5Ws
*Name the world

The children were given ample time to create their own poems. Mr. Green honored their poems by reading them aloud himself. Ask your child to tell you about theirs.

Room 221 will continue our study of poetry by reading, reading and reading more poetry. Finally as we finish our feature articles, we will jump into writing our own poems every day!

Thanks again to Mr. Green at Potato Hill Poetry and the PTC for bringing him to us.

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