Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Recently, we learned that the English settlers of Needham moved from (present day) Charlestown to Watertown and then on to Dedham in the early 1600s. Yesterday, the children watched a video about the settlers of Jamestown and Plymouth to give them some context regarding life in this area at that time.

This morning, we looked deeper at Plymouth and the history behind the 1620 Harvest Celebration. (No it wasn't called Thanksgiving back then!) The children were fascinated to learn about the differing points of view of the Wampanoag and the English settlers. Plimoth Plantation has an informative, interactive website that we explored. Unfortunately, time ran out and we weren't able to see everything. Please check it out with your third grader when you get a chance. There's lots they can teach you. The website is

Happy Thanksgiving! :o)Melanie

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