Thursday, May 22, 2008


The most exciting Writing Workshop unit has begun. The children have been waiting for it all year. It's FICTION!

The children have created their own characters and have reflected on the internal and external characteristics of those characters. We've learned the importance of making choices that make sense or are connected to the story they plan to write. For example, I chose to make my character brave. I made this decision because she gets lost in an amusement park, so bravery would be a good characteristic for her to have. Ask your child about the character that they have created.

Yesterday, we began planning the plot of our stories using story mountains. We have learned during Reading Workshop that most stories have an initiating event (when the problem is introduced) a climax, and a conclusion. The children are using their story mountain to help them build action until it reaches a climax and finally a conclusion. This advance planning should help them to write a cohesive, logical and exciting story. Ask your child to describe the plot of their story.

Happy writing! :o)Melanie

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