Wednesday, March 5, 2008


We have started a new mini-unit on fluency. Fluency is crucial because it helps children to read with stronger comprehension. For the most part, children in third grade read smoothly. They no longer sound like robots sounding out every word. It's also important however that their reading has proper intonation. This morning we learned how to use the punctuation to help us.

We learned:

At a period - Your voice should pause, but it should also go down. The lowness indicates that the thought has come to a close. (The children could hear the "periods" even as a I was speaking.)

At a comma - Your voice should pause, but not go down. You should "hear" that the sentence is going to continue.

At a question mark - Your voice should pause, but it should also go up. It should sound like you are asking a question when speaking.

Effective readers sound like they are talking. You can practice with your child at home! :o)

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