Friday, February 15, 2008

Thank you notes

You may have heard that the PTC approved a grant to supply many new indoor recess games at each grade level. The kids were psyched! It seemed as if they hit the jackpot when they realized the games were for them! The kids wanted to say thank you because they were so appreciative.

I took the opportunity to introduce the children to Type III writing. Type III writing is part of the John Collins approach to writing that our school is currently adopting. Type III writing includes one draft that is self edited. Your children wrote a thank you note to the PTC as Type III.

Prior to writing, the children were given FCAs (focus correction areas). The children were asked to do their best on everything, but work extra hard at the FCAs. I sent home a copy of your child's letter today. You will see the FCAs at the top. They help children remember to use certain skills and strategies they have learned in writing. (In this case, it was format of a letter, 2 reasons they liked the games, and accurate capitals and punctuation.) The writing is assessed for each FCA. The children received a "check plus" for excellent work on the FCA, a "check" for work that is acceptable, and a "check minus" for work that should be improved.

Please take the time to talk to your child about their letters. Focus on the positives and then talk about what they can do better.

Thanks for your support! :o)

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