Thursday, December 20, 2007

Writing Workshop

In Writing Workshop, we are working to take all that we learned from our first units and automatically incorporate it into what we're writing today. We're hoping to constantly lift the level of our writing by planning how we'll make it better.

Yesterday, the children made careful plans. They wrote in a box in their writer's notebook that they would: use specific details, add more dialogue, stay focused on a small moment, and more... When I asked the children about their plans, they were able to articulate them. In addition, they were able to show me evidence of their goal in the text! I was so impressed!

Although this unit of writing again focuses on personal narrative, our content is changing somewhat. This unit we are trying to make our writing more powerful. Powerful writing often comes from strong feelings. Children have spent time brainstorming turning points in their lives - first times and last times that are significant to them. They are also remembering times when they felt very strongly. They may have felt sad, embarassed, worried or hopeful.

You can help at home. Talk to your child about the most meaningful times in their lives. Reminisce together. Encourage them to fill the pages of their writers notebooks with these memories. (I promise we'll send them home so you can read them.)

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