Friday, June 6, 2014

Little Red Schoolhouse

We traveled back in time today! We had a great time being students (and teachers) in the year 1855.

Here's what the day looked like:

*Opening - Children bowed or curtsied to the teacher. We sang America. We reviewed the rules of the school and the thought for the day. When Mistress Sullivan did roll call we answered "present."

*Reading - Each group had different books. They were assigned stories to read, spelling and vocabulary to memorize. Groups were called one at a time to stand with the teacher at the front of the room for a lesson. Some children were brave enough to recite their assigned poems from memory!

*Math - Children used slates and chalk to complete math problems from the board. They showed the problems to the adults in the room to be checked. Groups were called one at a time to recite their multiplication facts. 

*Lunch/Recess - Children sat on the porch and enjoyed their lunches. They were given time to play in the yard out front.

*Penmanship - Children used quills and ink to write in their copybook. They could practice making letters, writing their name, or copying passages.

*Spelling Bee - The day ended with a fun game. The children competed to spell words correctly. 

Thanks to Mr. Valdez and Mrs. Murphy for helping make the copy books!
Thanks to Mrs. Akinc, Mrs. Murphy and Mr. Euse for chaperoning our trip!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dates to Remember

You will be receiving notices with more detailed information soon, but I wanted to give you a heads up about all the excitement in store for third graders!

June 6 Little Red Schoolhouse - Please make sure your child wears their costume, and brings an appropriate lunch. 
June 9 Field Day - Please be sure your child wears sneakers and sunblock. 

June 10 Concert for parents of orchestra students, 9:00

June 11 and June 12 Third grade writers will be typing their fiction stories in the computer lab, 1:30-2:30. Please let me know if you can come in and help! 

June 16 Historical Tour of Needham - Mrs. Martell will show us all the interesting places in town that we've been learning about. 

June 17 Third Grade Book Swap - Children can bring in books from home and swap for new ones! (See the notice that came home yesterday.)

June 17 Publishing Party, 9:00 - Families will be invited to join us for a celebration of our third grade publications. (More information coming soon.)

June 18 - Take Down the Walls, 12:30-2:30. Volunteers needed to help get our classroom ready for summer. (More information coming soon.)

June 19 Last day of third grade!